Lil' Lighthouse Monthly Curriculum:


Theme: Getting To Know You and Safety

Bible Stories: The Bible – Caring for My Books; Creation – Sun/Moon and Stars; God Made All Creatures; All About Me

Bible Reference: Genesis 1:1-30

Character Building Emphasis: Learning To Become Friends With Others

Memory Verse: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

Language and Vocabulary:

1. Classroom orientation

2. Cooking experiences and vocabulary

3. Safety rules – inside and outside

4. Name recognition

5. Dealing with emotions and feelings

6. Colors – red, yellow and blue

7. Shape – circle

8. Introduction to Aa, Bb

9. Friendship, responsibility and helping

10. Opposites, visual discrimination and classification


Fine Motor: Cutting, gluing bead stringing, coloring, play dough manipulation, copying peg and block designs, puzzles

Gross Motor: Moving body in space, ball handling, simple games

Premath: One-to-one correspondence, calendar activities

Creative Dramatics: School and self awareness

Attending Skills: Following directions, movement in songs, games, finger plays, listening to stories and tapes

Sensory Skills: Introducing all five